showing 2 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Alpha Protocol Sega (Obsidian Entertainment)2010 2000s adv-ptdistr ammomagazines assaultrifles blackmarket city-taipei-tw clandestine consequences conspiracy coversystem dialog-stance dialog-timelimit dynamicaccuracy earth espionage firearms graychoices grenades handguns interactivedialogs latemodernperiod naturalistic nonlinear nsa organizedcrime present privatemilitarycompanies rating-esrb-m rogueprotagonist russia save-opportunistic shotguns specialagentprotagonist stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound submachineguns taiwan triad unarmedfighting unrealengine3 warehouse Alpha Protocol is an espionage role-playing game set in the modern world. Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending international catastrophe. To do so means he must cut himself off from the very people he is sworn to protect. As players determine how to accomplish different objectives, the decisions made and actions taken in each mission will ultimately transform the type of secret agent Michael Thorton will become. Every choice the player makes as Michael Thorton will carry consequences for his future and the fate of the world. labelimagesubject
The Walking Dead Telltale Games2012 bookends chapters comic demo dialog-timelimit earth episodic georgia-usa narrativedriven northamerica playercomparison randomlocations rating-pegi-18 realmonsters thewalkingdead-series undead usa zombieapocalypse zombies labelminimizeminimize